Wayne Haubner, Escher Group CTO, and Keith Emery, Product manager track-and-trace at Escher, join me to talk about track-and-trace, route optimisation, and modern e-commerce delivery:
The big changes in the parcel environment – and it’s not just growth, it’s about flexibility
The role data plays in parcel delivery and providing transparency to customers
Customs data
How postal operators can create flexible and dynamic delivery networks
Route optimisation and redirection of parcels
Creating a unified way of delivering and the delivery experience, while improving first-time delivery success
Reducing calls to customer service contact centres
Quality of service
Escher’s new Riposte Track Trace and Last Mile Delivery product
Flexible delivery options, including PUDO, lockers, time-slot delivery, full visibility of deliveries
Additional services in the last mile, including fresh, pharma, and other home delivery services
Dynamic route adjustment and elimination of paperwork
Technology and the battle for talent
Flexible workforce to deal with peak season – including dealing with agency workers and reducing training costs
Bringing in new customers for delivery companies
The development of route optimisation technology – including real-time route optimisation while the driver is out on the delivery route
Enabling efficient same-day delivery via route optimisation
Giving customers control over their deliveries without burdening the post with excessive costs
Remote on-boarding and training
Usability of hand-held delivery devices
Modernising delivery and retail networks
Being customer-centric and focusing on the customer experience
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