The Postal Transformation Report 2024
The Postal Transformation Report 2024 In today's rapidly evolving postal industry, sustainability and customer engagement
Jersey Post recognized they did not have the right infrastructure in place to take full advantage of the growth in Internet retailing. Online shoppers are increasingly demanding a delivery service that includes added elements such as real-time visibility of the progress of orders and greater choice of where and when purchases are delivered
Jersey Post wanted to enhance its offering to customers to gain a competitive advantage and generate new revenue streams while creating cost-saving opportunities and automating existing processes.
As Royal Mail’s sole on-island delivery partner they had traditionally utilized equipment provided by the Royal Mail Group (RMG) for tracking RMG deliveries. However, this equipment was aging and RMG began working with Jersey Post to look at strategies that would remove the need for dedicated RMG equipment.
Jersey Post teamed up with [Escher Group] to develop an advanced parcel management solution that would provide the infrastructure to take full advantage of the growth in Internet retailing. This has provided added visibility and control; helped expand delivery choice for the customer and streamlined supply chain processes.