Contactar a Escher

A nossa plataforma de software exclusiva impulsiona a entrega de encomendas em todo o mundo, desde o envio até ao consumidor final, ajudando as empresas postais, de retalho, de transporte e de logística a conectarem cerca de mil milhões de consumidores através de redes globais de comércio eletrónico.

CX ebook MT

How Posts can deliver on Customer Experience


How Posts can deliver on Customer Experience

The strategy behind the ‘always-on’ consumer and how they interact with a growing number of industries is dominated by the idea of channels – especially omnichannel. Digital, physical and everything in between is providing greater accessibility to products and services.


  • Introduction to: Consumer-centric Postal services
  • Evolution of customer service in Posts
  • Leveraging digital transformation to benefit the consumer
  • Making mail and parcel preparation simple
  • Ensuring people can send parcels and mail with ease
  • Delivering by the customers’ expectations
  • Returning goods with a stress-free experience
  • How modern Posts drive customer loyalty

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