Contactar a Escher

A nossa plataforma de software exclusiva impulsiona a entrega de encomendas em todo o mundo, desde o envio até ao consumidor final, ajudando as empresas postais, de retalho, de transporte e de logística a conectarem cerca de mil milhões de consumidores através de redes globais de comércio eletrónico.

shipping-icon Escher Technology

Chief Technology Officer

Our purpose-built customer engagement platform, Riposte, is an enterprise-capable solution, ideal for postal operators. With the ability to leverage your existing IT infrastructure, the award-winning platform’s low maintenance, stability, enterprise-grade security, and ability to integrate with any third-party system make it a top choice among CIOs and CTOs from the world’s leading Posts. Processing billions of mission-critical customer transactions each year, Escher’s platform is unmatched in its reliability, durability, extensibility, and scalability.

Find out More

Unmatched reliability, durability, extensibility, and scalability

The Riposte platform scales to process billions of transactions annually.  Designed specifically for postal operators, the platform processes mission-critical data and maintains continuous operations and up-time, even through the most challenging weather, communications, or network environments.


Modular architecture

Escher implements a modular architecture with a consolidated data center infrastructure, with configurable, commercial off-the-shelf common solutions that serve all digital points of service across different channels.

Available for any Riposte implementation

Maximizes IT budgets

Escher maximizes Posts’ IT budget, reducing costs through centralized administration, fewer hardware requirements, and the ability to work with existing infrastructure and devices.

Infrastructure & hardware agnostic

Escher’s infrastructure agnostic architecture enables the platform to be installed in different environments, including on-premise, secure cloud hosting, and hybrid deployments. In addition, Riposte is hardware agnostic so the platform works with all market-leading kiosks, POS terminals, or mobile platforms.


Intuitive user experience with minimal training

Riposte provides an intuitive user experience which has been developed in partnership with postal operators around the world.  Training requirements are minimized for all users, from system administrators to counter staff and consumers. The platform’s intuitive user experience helps speed up implementation, engagement, and adoption.

Mobile POS

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