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A nossa plataforma de software exclusiva impulsiona a entrega de encomendas em todo o mundo, desde o envio até ao consumidor final, ajudando as empresas postais, de retalho, de transporte e de logística a conectarem cerca de mil milhões de consumidores através de redes globais de comércio eletrónico.

The Age of Posts

Is the Age of the Posts Over?

Is the Age of the Posts Over? No. However, if Posts want to stay relevant

Is the Age of the Posts Over?

No. However, if Posts want to stay relevant and maintain today and, in the future, they will need to diversify. The standalone post office business model is no longer viable. The key to the continuation of postal operators lies in their ability to be agile. 


The obstacles impeding transformation 

While Posts recognize the extraordinary potential that eCommerce presents, the industry is also all-too-familiar with the many factors working against its success. Beyond the dramatic decline in letter volume, Posts typically struggle under the weight of outdated and no longer fit for purpose infrastructures. Furthermore, in some countries, Posts face the prospect of privatization and the withdrawal of government support.


The Posts fight back

However, Posts are responding to these roadblocks in ever-innovative ways and are taking proactive steps to reinvent themselves. From the expansion of services – particularly the financial services- and the growth of Pick Up Drop Off (PUDO) capabilities- postal operators are taking their cues from other industries and implementing measures to promote a sharpened focus on the customer experience. 


What else can Posts do to remain competitive in today’s changing mail service?

Escher knows and understands that the road ahead for Posts is full of twists and turns. As a vital part of building a comprehensive Modern Post Office, we have put together The Ultimate Survival Guide for Posts. Packed with industry insights and in-depth analysis of the steps Posts must take to succeed, this series of ebooks offer readers the building blocks of a business continuity plan.

Click the image below to discover how a Modern Post Office can be competitive in today’s markets

The ultimate survival guide for posts


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