Harnessing E-commerce Growth

How are Posts responding to increased e-commerce activity?  How do postal operators plan to deal with the increase in e-commerce activity?

Get more insights by downloading the full Future of Posts report below.

Harnessing eCommerce Growth

Harnessing eCommerce Growth


It will come as no surprise to hear how postal operators are continuing to put infrastructures in place to deal with increased e-commerce activities. According to Escher’s Future of Post report, 39% of Posts believe increasing automation is the correct strategy for dealing with higher e-commerce related parcel and mail volumes. 30% are planning to reorganize and develop new strategies, 25% will increase staff capacity, 20% will look to create new services, and 16% will invest in infrastructures surrounding last-mile delivery.

Last-mile delivery is also considered the most important logistical part of e-commerce.

Download the Harnessing E-commerce Growth.pdf to find out more.

Or for a complete and up to date picture of the postal industry, sign up for Escher’s Future of Posts 2020 report below.


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